Tuesday, August 2, 2011

3 ingredients, a blender and me

You may think that it is impossible to mess up a 3-ingredient recipe, but this blog is not called The Perfect Disaster for nothing. I had always assumed that making your own vegan ice cream involved special equipment and a reasonable amount of kitchen savvy; definitely not something I ever considered trying. 

However, the simplicity of this recipe encouraged me to try it right away and, in my enthusiam, I went out, bought bananas and immediately threw one into the freezer so it could be prepared that night. It never occurred to me to check that the banana was actually ripe. It wasn't. Yuck.

My second attempt, after patiently waiting for the remaining bananas to ripen,  was successful and delicious. This recipe is an ideal use for over-ripe bananas; store them in the freezer for the next time you want a quick, healthy frozen treat.

3 Ingredient Vegan Ice Cream
1 banana, peeled and frozen
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
1 tsp. cocoa powder
Additional flavorings (optional)

Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender and mix until well combined and creamy.

If desired, add additional flavors or toppings, such as cookies, fresh fruit, shredded coconut, cinnamon, or pieces of candy. Serve immediately.

*I don't recommend that this be prepared in advance and frozen as it becomes quite hard.