Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why Importance is Irrelevant

"You think that animals are more important than people",  her tone was accusing as she leaned aggressively towards me, clearly ready for a heated argument.

Four of us had traveled to Ottawa on vacation and we were sitting in a Mexican Restaurant when another member of our group had taken interest in my vegetarian diet by asking a few questions. I had just started to speak when the verbal assault began. She went on and on about how people are much more important than animals and how dare I put them before people?

I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't say much, being too stunned and confused about what instigated her anger. I had simply answered the question, "what are you going to eat?"  No efforts were made to convince anyone to join my way of eating.

That confrontation was over 6 years ago and I still regret my lack of response. As a person who shared my faith, I believe her argument demonstrated a lack of understanding regarding a much larger issue:  importance is irrelevant.

As the scripture says: "So the last will be first, and the first will be last." Dominion is not about dominance, but servant-based leadership.  It's not about who is more important, who is inferior, has more status, etc.  It's about value. Wait. What??!! Is this not a contradiction? No; let me explain.  Every person, every creature, is infinitely loved and valued by the Creator. This value is not based on who you happen to be or what you have or have not accomplished. You are loved and valued simply because you are.

While I was pondering these thoughts on the drive home, the birth of Prince George was announced to great fanfare and excitement. All for a child who had done nothing, except to be born. The coincidence did not go unnoticed.  Lucky for him, he was born to a rich and famous family. Thousands of babies, far less "important" than the prince were also born that day; many who were unexpected (or unwanted) children living in poverty. Like Prince George, she or he had also done nothing to deserve their circumstance, except to be born. However, doesn't that baby also need and deserve love, care, and attention? He/she needs it more.

When we re-focus on love instead of importance, miracles can and do happen because love does not have a finite supply. When you love and care for the least important in society, love flows upward.

Loving and caring about the well-being of animals absolutely does not mean that there is not enough to go around to care about people in need. In fact, those who care for the "least of these" often have great concern for the well being of people.

Animals are the ministry that God has put on my heart since I was a small child. Animals matter to God and they matter to me. So do people.

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