Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Melanie's Asian Creation

My most enjoyable time spent cooking is usually when I am making up the recipe as I go along. I love to just create with no restraints. A definite advantage of being single is that I am free to just try something without the worry that someone will turn up their nose in disgust. Here is one of my success stories that uses Bok Choy, which is a calcium superstar. I hope you like it as much as I do!

Bunch of bok choy,chopped (use both green and white parts)
Two cups vegetarian chicken stock ( available at Bulk Barn)
Whole wheat spaghetti noodles (soba or rice noodles would also be great)
minced ginger  & chopped garlic  (both to taste)
One tsp. "asian chili garlic sauce" ( I got it at Loblaws)
Add your choice of vegtables, frozen or fresh (broccoli would add more calcium)

Cook noodles separately until al dente, drain and set aside.
In large pot or wok ,add stock and ginger. Simmer for a few minutes then add chopped bok choy and other vegetables, along with the asian sauce. Stir and simmer until bok choy is cooked. Add garlic about a minute before you remove from heat.


  1. I agree, it's a lot of fun to make up recipes. I always forget to write down the process in case I come up with something amazing :)

    Just wondering- do I have to use vegetarian "chicken" stock? Couldn't I just use plain old vegetable broth? (Just kidding- I just thought the wording was funny) :D

    Your dog is so cute, btw!

  2. Hi There!! Veggie broth is great-I just love the flavour of the "veg" chicken stock!!
    Tahnks about Cody-I think he is cute, too!!
