I made this last night and it smells amazing!! This is a great recipe to play around and change the vegtables, depending on what you have in the fridge. It is not in the recipe, but I added shredded kale to get in my greens (and calcium). Broccoli would work well, too.
Don't be afraid of the coconut milk in this recipe because you think it is fattening. They type of fatty acids in coconut milk, mostly Lauric Acid, are the type of fat your body burns to create energy rather than store as fat. There are several studies out there that actually point to coconut as an aid in weight loss! I absolutely adore anything coconut, so I could barely contain my joy upon learning that news!
1tsp olive oil, 1 medium onion thinly sliced
4 cloves minced garlic 3 medium sweet potatos
3 cups water 1 red or green pepper, cut into narrow strips
11/2 frozen green beans 1/2 teaspoon of red or green curry paste
1 tbsp natural sugar 2 tsp minced ginger
2 stalks lemongrass can of coconut milk
2 tbsp peanut butter
In a soup pot over med-high heat, heat the oil & saute onions and garlic. Add sweet potatos and water. Bring to a rapid simmer, then lower heat. Cover & simmer for 10 minutes or until sweet potatos are half done.
Add peppers, beans, curry paste, sugar and ginger. Cut each lemongrass salk into 3-4 pieces and make long cuts in grass throughout with sharp knife. Stir into pot and simmer for 10 more minutes.
Stir in coconut milk and peanut butter. Return to simmer and cook over low heat for 10 minutes or until all vegtables are tender and the flabours are well integrated. Remove lemongrass pieces. Taste to adjust seasonings.
* I have made this before, so I played with it last night. I skipped the lemongrass simply because I didn't feel like going to the store and only used half the amount of coconut milk, as I had used the other half making coconut kale. It was still good and the peanut flavour stood out more. So feel free to just experiment based on what you like.
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